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Highlight Matches of Matches over 50cM (or any amount) on Ancestry DNA ProTools

With an Ancestry ProTools subscription, your shared matches tab will now display matches of matches as well. This is an incredibly helpful feature which greatly assists with triangulating high-quality mutual matches. Finding who your matches match highly with can help establish deeper connections in your DNA match list. To identify these high matches, I created a plugin for Genea Research Tools which automatically highlights matches over 50cM or any amount you choose.

When you activate Highlight Matches of Matches 50cM+, any “match of a match” who shares more than 50cM with your mutual match will be automatically highlighted in red and the text will be bolder/larger. You can change the cM threshold at which matches are highlighted in Advanced Settings. Note: Requires Ancestry ProTools subscription.

Highlight Matches of Matches 50cM+ is available in Genea Research Tools for Google Chrome, it can be installed in one click from the Chrome Web Store: Click here to install Genea Research Tools from the Chrome Web Store

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