With an Ancestry ProTools subscription, your shared matches tab will now display matches of matches as well. This is an incredibly helpful feature which greatly assists with triangulating high-quality mutual matches. Finding who your matches match highly with can help establish deeper connections in your DNA match list. To identify these high matches, I created a plugin for Genea Research Tools which automatically highlights matches over 50cM or any amount you choose.
When you activate Highlight Matches of Matches 50cM+, any “match of a match” who shares more than 50cM with your mutual match will be automatically highlighted in red and the text will be bolder/larger. You can change the cM threshold at which matches are highlighted in Advanced Settings. Note: Requires Ancestry ProTools subscription.
Highlight Matches of Matches 50cM+ is available in Genea Research Tools for Google Chrome, it can be installed in one click from the Chrome Web Store: Click here to install Genea Research Tools from the Chrome Web Store