Genealogy Assistant has updated!
Latest update: Tuesday September 10th, 2024.
- v1.2.4: Genea Research Tools is now Genealogy Assistant! Added feature ‘Always Display 50 Matches in List’ and minor bug fixes.
- v1.2.3: Added feature ‘Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree’ and minor bug fixes/improvements.
- v1.2.2: Bugfixes for ‘Advanced Research Tools’ and added walkthrough popup on install.
- v1.2.1: Added new FamilySearch Tools “Navigate Records with P and N keys” and “Skip 10 and 25 Pages in Record Viewer”, UI improvements.
- v1.2.0: Bug fixes for “Advanced Research Tools”.
- v1.1.9: Minor bug fixes and improvements for “Ancestry ThruLines Cleaner”.
- v1.1.8: Bug fixes for “Image Records Name Auto-fill” and “Advanced Research Tools”.
- v1.1.7: Added new feature “Prevent ThruLines from Auto-Collapsing”.
- v1.1.6: Added new feature “Add Search Button to Records Page”, made improvements to “Card Catalogue Search via ctrl/cmd + /” functionality.
- v1.1.5: Fixed issue with “Card Catalogue Search via ctrl/cmd + /” not working on and TLD’s.
- v1.1.4: Added new feature “Card Catalogue Search via ctrl/cmd + /”.
- v1.1.3: Recategorized scripts list to make it more intuitive, minor bug fixes for “Auto-Hide Siblings in Family Tree”.
- v1.1.2: Added new feature “Colour Code DNA Matches by Side”.
- v1.1.1: Fixed “Image Records Name Auto-fill” to work with new changes made by Ancestry. Linked the edit button for “Advanced Research Tools” directly to the correct portion of Advanced Settings.
- v1.1.0: Updated “DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button” and “Shared Matches Auto-Clicker” to work with new ProTools DNA Matches layout.
- v1.0.9: Integrated Stripe Checkout payment platform for a more seamless checkout experience.
- v1.0.8: Added ability to customize Advanced Research Tools in Advanced Settings, added new tool “Shared Matches Auto-Clicker”.
- v1.0.7: Added new feature “DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button”.
- v1.0.6: Added a button to reset custom cM values to their defaults within Advanced Settings.
- v1.0.5: Added pop-up tooltips describing how each feature functions when hovering over the [?] icon on each plugin. Fixed small css bugs.
- v1.0.4: Minor bug fixes, added new plugin “Highlight Shared Matches 25cM+” for new ProTools layout, added edit buttons to plugins which have custom advanced settings available.
- v1.0.3: Added feature “Auto-Hide Siblings in Family Tree” and added an advanced settings panel where you can change the cM threshold for the Ancestry and MyHeritage match highlighting plugins.
- v1.0.2: Rearranged layout of popup panel and added feature “Highlight Matches of Matches 50cM+”.
- v1.0.1: General bug fixes and repaired functionality when clicking on matches ethnicity estimate tab.
- v1.0.0: Initial release for Google Chrome.