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Add Keyboard Shortcuts to DNA Matches

What problem does Add Keyboard Shortcuts to DNA Matches solve?

When working with many DNA matches in long research sessions it can be tiresome repeating multi-click actions over and over. Adding simple keyboard shortcuts for common actions on Ancestry DNA match pages helps to save time and fatigue while navigating match lists for extended periods.

How does Add Keyboard Shortcuts to DNA Matches work?

With Add Keyboard Shortcuts to DNA Matches, keyboard shortcuts for commonly accessed items are available on any Ancestry DNA match profile page. Links and buttons that have keyboard shortcuts are identified by the letter icon which appears to the right of them. Using keyboard shortcuts helps to save time and reduce strain from repeated movements.

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Default Sort by Highest Mutual Matches


What problem does Add Keyboard Shortcuts to Family Tree solve?

When viewing matches of matches with Ancestry DNA ProTools, matches are sorted by the highest amount of shared DNA with the tester by default. Often times when working to triangulate DNA matches you are more interested in how much your matches share with each other. Add Keyboard Shortcuts to Family Tree automatically sorts your shared matches list by the highest centimorgans (cM) shared with the match you are viewing by default.

How does Add Keyboard Shortcuts to Family Tree work?

With Default Sort by Highest Mutual Matches, the ProTools Matches of Matches tab for any DNA match will default to sorting by the highest amount of shared centimorgans (cM)...

Add Quick Sort Links to Shared Matches


What problem does Add Quick Sort Links to Shared Matches solve?

When searching for high-value DNA matches, you are often toggling the Ancestry DNA ProTools Shared Matches list between sorting by the highest shared centimorgans (cM) with the tester and with the match being viewed. Add Quick Sort Links to Shared Matches speeds up your research by enabling you to easily sort your shared matches in the fastest way possible.

How does Add Quick Sort Links to Shared Matches work?

With Add Quick Sort Links to Shared Matches, a new link titled Sort By Highest is added to the top each shared cM column on the Ancestry DNA ProTools Shared Matches list. These quick links allow you to toggle...

DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button

What problem does DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button solve?

Finding the most accurate potential relationships based on shared centimorgans (cM) often requires manually entering data into DNA Painter’s Shared cM Tool, which can be time-consuming and prone to error. DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button integrates direct links to DNA Painter pre-filled with the amount of shared cM into the match page, allowing for seamless analysis without copying and pasting data.

How does DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button work?

With DNA Painter Shared cM Tool Button, a new button titled Shared cM Tool is added into all DNA match pages on Ancestry. Clicking this button opens DNA Painter’s Shared cM Tool in a new tab, automatically pre-filled with...

Colour Code DNA Matches by Side

What problem does Colour Code DNA Matches by Side solve?

When reviewing DNA matches on Ancestry, it can be challenging to determine whether a match is from your maternal or paternal side at a glance. Colour Code DNA Matches by Side simplifies this by visually distinguishing maternal and paternal matches with different colors, making it easier to identify the side your match is connected to.

How does Colour Code DNA Matches by Side work?

With Colour Code DNA Matches by Side, a pink highlight to maternal matches and a blue highlight to paternal matches are applied in your DNA matches list. This feature provides a simple and effective way to organize and analyze your DNA matches, helping you concentrate on the matches most relevant to your...

Always Display 50 Matches in List

What problem does Always Display 50 Matches in List solve?

By default, Ancestry only displays 20 DNA matches per page. This requires constantly having to set the number of people per page to 50 manually in order to get the most out of your research. Always Display 50 Matches in List sets the number of matches shown on a single page to 50 by default, reducing the need for excessive page changes.

How does Always Display 50 Matches in List work?

With Always Display 50 Matches in List, Ancestry DNA matches lists are set to display 50 matches per page instead of the default 20. This change applies across all DNA tests and match lists. Always Display 50 Matches in List improves efficiency by allowing you...

Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree

What problem does Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree solve?

When reviewing DNA matches on Ancestry, matches that have already been connected to your family tree can clutter the list, making it harder to focus on new or unconnected matches. Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree simplifies your workflow by allowing you to hide these connected matches from view.

How does Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree work?

With Hide Matches Already Connected to Tree, a new button it added at the top of your DNA matches list titled Hide connected matches. When you click this button, all matches that have been linked to your family tree are hidden from the matches list. You can easily show or hide these matches as needed by clicking the...

Add All People Link to Matches Trees

What problem does Add All People Link to Matches Trees solve?

When viewing the Trees tab on Ancestry DNA, often you will want to view a list of all the people in your matches connected tree. Add All People Link to Matches Trees makes it easier to access the list of all people for your DNA matches.

How does Add All People Link to Matches Trees work?

With Add All People Link to Matches Trees, a new link titled View all people in tree will appear next to the number of people in the connected trees of your DNA matches. This feature eliminates unnecessary navigation steps and helps to quickly access the list of all people in the family tree.

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